We sure are living in a time of "I wonder what is coming next?" I want to encourage you to keep your "bifocals" on. For those younger among us, bifocals enable a person to see details up close and also at a distance. Believers need to see clearly in the present moment so we can be relevant in that moment, without losing clarity of the big picture. What big picture? Well as one article recently put it...
Latest Numbers On Coronavirus: 100% Of World Still Under God's Control
When we don’t have or we lose this “bifocal ability”, fear and anxiety take hold and we lose the peace in the storm that God desires for His children. Our gatherings on Sundays are a useful time to sharpen our "bifocal ability" but with current restrictions on public gatherings, keeping the big picture of God's controlling majesty in view, may be more challenging. We may be in a season that will test the sharpness and depth of your ability to rest in the big picture, while living in the uncertainty of the storm. We are constantly being tempted to forget that God has eternity in view through all that we experience here on earth every time we watch the latest news or update. As citizens, we all need to live responsibly and do what is best in the moment we are living (like following the "best practices" outlined by the state at while never forgetting for a moment that God is working ALL things "according to the counsel of His own will".
Keeping connected with each other (which will be the topic of my next post) and keeping perspective are two crucial tools in not losing our footing on the many bumps ahead. Perspective is perhaps best maintained by what we choose to focus and fill our minds. If is no mistake that Paul in Philippians 4, saw the things that we choose to focus upon as the key in maintaining peace in our hearts.
Verses 6-7 seem to provide instruction to the path to peace
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Verse 8-9 seem to provide instructions for preserving peace
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
And Isaiah hits the nail on the head, "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 ESV
In an effort to help all of us with our "bifocal ability", we will be sharing several "mind focusing "resources with you in the coming days. As we all will probably be spending more time at home, it will be helpful to have a plan to use that time to keep our perspectives in balance and not be ruled by fear and anxiety. Our first resource is already utilized by many in our church and is available to everyone free of charge. (click on the links in orange or blue to go to that site)
RightNow Media - Sometimes referred to as the "Netflix of Bible Studies". It has great tools that you can access on you PC, phone or TV. (We have it on all 3) When you're on the site and click on "Libraries", one of the choices is "Pathway Community Church". This is a place where we have selected media that we wanted to highlight.
I most want to highlight the "Read Scripture" series. This is the one I showed a portion of in church for the book of Ezekiel. When you open the series, you will see a video for each book of the Bible as well as a downloadable poster for each book! The others in that series can be very helpful as well such as, "Biblical Themes" and "How to Read the Bible".
Sign up on your phone - Text the passcode: RightNow PATHWAYCC to 41411 and follow the prompts
Use the QR code of the pathway web site - - scroll down the page to RightNow media for the code or respond to this email with the email you wish to use and I will send you an invitation to join and you can respond to that.
Another option - Consider using your screen time to learn and utilize Bible Study software.
So, your kids are home from school. And just like that, you’re a homeschool parent (at least for the time being). What do you do now?
Here are some links for great resources;
Faithlife Connect (2 free months no credit card required) - includes Faithlife TV (Their most popular kids programming is called "Bible Agent 7') Bible Agent 7 Activity sheets
The Bright Bible site has a section called "Shine Time" and has some great hands on activities for keeping kids engaged! New activities are added often!
Thanks and Blessings,
Pastor Dan